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  • Navn Hildis  
    Kjønn Kvinne 
    • Hildis Princess of Vandals (-572)
      Generations of genealogists have accepted Hildis as a daughter of Hilderic, King of the Vandals in Africa. She has been seen, therefore, as a gateway ancestor to the Roman Imperial dynasty of Theodosius. However, this highly improbable descent is not supported by any contemporary reference. Moreover, the historical facts argue against the connection. Hilderic was deposed by his kinsman Gelimer in 530/31, then in 533 Gelimer himself was defeated by the Byzantine general Belisarius. Hilderic's daughter(s) were captured, along with other members of the Vandal royal family. They then disappear from history. Because of their descent from Valentinian III, they represented a dynastic threat to the Emperor Justinian. They were probably placed in a convent. Finally, religious reasons would have presented a barrier to the marriage of a Vandal princess to a Danish king. Even if Justinian had allowed Hilderic's daughters to marry, the fact that they were Christians would have mandated marriage to Christian princes in the Byzantine sphere of influence. They would not have been married to pagans ruling kingdoms distant from the Empire. Justin Swanström (2010).
    Person ID I11839  My Genealogy
    Sist endret 5 Nov 2019 

    Familie Valdemar Roarson, Den Milde 
     1. Harald Valdemarson, den Gamle
     2. Frode Valdarsson
    Famile ID F1665  Gruppeskjema  |  Familiediagram
    Sist endret 5 Nov 2019 

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